Monday, April 21, 2014

Feeling Minty Today!

I'm back! Slowly but surely, I'm starting to feel better and move forward.  I hated taking this long of a hiatus from blogging, but I needed to take some time to myself to re-center and figure out my priorities through all of this.

Spring has officially sprung in Fort Collins. I was laughing about how last year Colorado decided to dump snow on us for a solid few days at about this time, so it's been nice having consistent 60 degree days for the past week.  Of course, now that I say that, it will snow tomorrow.

I have worn this dress on the blog before in one of my first posts!  I bought it in London when I studied abroad and I love wearing it whenever Spring rolls around.

Dress (came with belt): H&M
Blazer: Forever 21

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